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Inspired by the fashion world.


Wash / blow dry or lay

wash/cut/blow dry or lay (including fixative and spray)


Perm / support wave / volume wave


root color

Foil strands complete

Foil strands at the top of the head or at the base

A foil pouch or single strand


Comb or board strands

tint intense


fast cure (always necessary after chemical treatment)

intensive cure


pluck eyebrows

to color eyebrows

dye eyelashes

Make up

pin up

Bridal package with sample


from €20.00

from €40.00


from €79.00

from €50.00

from €39.00

from €65.00



from €80.00

from €30.00

from €34.00


from €7.00

from €10.00





from €25.00

from €60.00

from €250.00


2x wash / cut / blow dry (including hair tonic, head massage and styling)

Machine cut all lengths (including washing and hair tonic)

Machine cut dry


gray lamination

To dye

Highlights / Comb 


trim beard







from €29.00






Wash, cut, blow-dry (up to 4 years)

Wash, cut, blow-dry (5 to 9 years)

Wash, cut, blow-dry (10 to 14 years)

Wash, cut, blow-dry (from 15 years)



Wash, cut, blow-dry (up to 4 years)

Wash, cut, blow-dry (5 to 9 years)

Wash, cut, blow-dry (10 to 14 years)

Wash, cut, blow-dry (from 15 years)






regular price






regular price

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